Sunday, 11 May 2014

Margo Selby

Margo Selby is a well known weaver, her work is truly unique and she has inspired me a lot through out my Unit X project.
Her weaves follow the same kind of pattern throughout all of her designs, this is what makes her style unique and how people recognize the work that she does, this is definitely something that I would inspire to be like, if i was ever lucky to follow in her kind of footsteps.  
I love the way she creates strips of weave, within a thick banding frame, that follows the same trend through out her work yet the designs looks so different as you look through the weave, when I look at Selbys work I find different qualities every time they catch my eye, this is exactly the kind of thing I have tried to get my own samples to look like, for an example, in my weave samples, I have threaded in so many different components such as jewels, sequins, ribbons, threads, bands and cords, just in the same style as Margo, this is how I wanted to make my own work that slightly bit unique as no one else was going all out with the jewels and shiny bling. 

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